Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Introduce WishTrend

This is online shop that are based in Korea, they provide many different brand of  latest trend for Korean cosmetics. I browsed in their site and found many brand that I have never seen before.

Here is a example of some of their products, these are some of their most popular ones:

They also provide really good information on each item they are selling in English text. Sometimes when I browse in other shops, they leak information of the products in English and most of us cant read Korean. But WishTrend provide a lot of information for each products they are selling.

They gave me a impression that they are taking their business serious.


  1. Thanks for letting us know about this lovely place dear! ;)

    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  2. I love Wishtrend!! They're so helpful and always gives so many samples~~ In fact, I just placed another order from them last night (: If you ever buy from them, please share with us!



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